Buses are flexible, routes can be changed, and the buses redistributed to enhance services elsewhere.
While the initial cost to implement the Light Rail Transit is higher than Bus Rapid Transit initially, the long term benefits of LRT far outweigh the long term benefits of BRT.
Only LRT has the capacity to achieve the Plan’s ridership goals. LRT will deliver the greatest reduction of green house gas at 480,000 tonnes, or 10% of the Provincial Transportation Plan target (145,000 tonnes more than BRT)
LRT is forecast to generate 13.3 million annual rides by 2038, 45% more than BRT and 110% more than BAU
LRT will be able to accommodate the ridership growth forecast for the busy Douglas Street Corridor, whereas a BRT solution would reach its capacity limits within 10 –15 years
With its high capacity and ability to provide expanded, higher quality services, the operating cost per passenger for LRT will decrease over time. It is common for LRT vehicles to remain in service for 30 – 40 years; unlike a bus-based solution, no replacement of LRT vehicles will be required over the life of the
project. These costs are estimated at $230M (2010$) until 2038
LRT has higher level of community support than BRT. It provides the greatest comfort and safety and will be the most effective vehicle technology at reducing roadway congestion
LRT provides the best support for the CRD’s emphasis on transit-oriented development and delivers $85 million more land development benefits than would BRT
LRT has a positive benefit cost ratio and the highest transportation benefits ($1 billion more than BRT over 27 years)
LRT will generate 4,500 more job years of employment
Warren Skaalrud "Born and Raised" Islander
Shawnigan Lake, Canada, Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia V0R 2W1, Canada